Oppo, I think there's something wrong with me

The mustang I drove
The mustang I drove

In the past few days I’ve driven a 2020 mustang GTcs and a 2018 Camaro SS

Both were 6 speeds, fully loaded with $45k+ stickers. They were both fast, they both had cramped interiors with bad visibility, and both felt... Kind of washing machine esque?


Its hard to describe, but they felt like they were going fast because they were programmed to do it. I got the rear end squirming on the mustang (tcs on obv because it was a test drive) and it calmed down with no drama at all, of course I’m not trying to crash, but it just felt robotic.

They both felt disconnected from the road, and the shifters and clutch pedals felt really light and soft.


Oddly, I got the same feelings about a friend’s 2019 Civic I had to drive once, it more appliancelike.

I guess I typed all these words because I think I don’t like new cars. Is that a problem? Am I crazy?


(PS, if someone is looking for a new 2018 loaded yellow Camaro SS I know a place that wants to move it real bad lol)