Trump Finally Manages to do -- or at Least Claim -- Something Classy...

Illustration for article titled Trump Finally Manages to do -- or at Least Claim -- Something Classy...

— TRUMP PULLED A WAD OF CASH out of his pocket, when answering about a Reuters photo published Wednesday, which showed 20-dollar bills coming out of his pants: “I don’t carry a wallet because I haven’t had to use a credit card in a long time. I do like leaving tips to the hotel. I like to carry a little something. I like to give tips to the hotel. I’m telling you, maybe a president’s not supposed to do it, but I like to leave a tip for the hotel, etc., etc. Oh, that’s funny. So the jacket was blowing up?” (Whilst gaggling with reporters aboard Air Force One, as reported in today’s Politico Playbook)


I never fail to tip Housekeeping after a hotel stay.