Contagion: How are we holding up? [EDIT/UPDATE: Closure Monday]

Just got the word. They’re moving the Spring break up and closing us effective Monday. There was a robocall that went out last night telling parents if kids missed school because COVID, then the absence would be excused. So a third of the students are absent today.

I’m a bit of a basket case this morning because, frankly, I care very deeply about all these smelly walking biohazards that I work with. They are a lower socioeconomic group and many have Grandma or Grandpa living with them. I don’t want to be fretful / emo about this, but I’ve come to the stark realization that as educators, we are important constants in many of these kids’ lives. It’s real and I think social distancing needs to be applied here in order to slow the spread of the virus. There was a war room meeting of all the administrators yesterday afternoon, but no closure yet announced. Today, I am using a Google form to collect contact information so I can communicate with the students if when schools close. That part will be a new adventure, preparing distance learning.


Here’s a Lambo from back when tires had sidewalls. Most of you are probably too young to remember that...

Illustration for article titled Contagion: How are we holding up? [EDIT/UPDATE: Closure Monday]