LONG VOYAGER BAIT: David Tracy Has Problems. (Jalop Repost)

Illustration for article titled LONG VOYAGER BAIT: David Tracy Has Problems. (Jalop Repost)
Image: TÜV

Let’s merely analyze the title of his story:

Here’s Everything Wrong With The $600 [1994] Diesel Manual Chrysler Minivan That I Bought Sight Unseen In Germany.


There is really nothing about about that statement that is not wrong or perilous. Forget that the capitalization for a title is probably not correct...

Things Perilous or Outright Wrong:

1. $600 (Get whatcha pay for)

2. 1994 Model Year (OLD)

3. Diesel (Unicorn)

4. Manual (Oddity)

5. Chrysler (Enough Said)

6. Minivan (Likely Abused)

7. Sight Unseen (Well, who doesn’t like to roll the dice?)

8. Germany (TÜV? Parts? LOL!)

To address these would definitely be TL;DR, but is this not the ultimate unicorn of a vehicle on Unicorn Island?
