Moar progress! (Kitty content inside)

This half of the kitchen is starting to come together. I mocked up the stove in place to see how it will fit (forgot to take a pic before I put it back on the porch).

Illustration for article titled Moar progress! (Kitty content inside)

Next I need to move back and lower the gas outlet, so the back of the stove can get near the wall, instead of sitting out 3" away from it.

Illustration for article titled Moar progress! (Kitty content inside)

Hammer has claimed the bottom drawer

Illustration for article titled Moar progress! (Kitty content inside)

Unfortunately, today was my last day of summer. School doesn’t start until next Wednesday, but I have various meetings this Wednesday-Friday (being the department chair is such a PITA!), and then next Monday and Tuesday are institute days. So, basically I have an entire week of meetings starting tomorrow. Fuuuuuuuuuudge! (But I didn’t say fudge).