Stranded - UPDATED: made it home before the rain!

I hadn’t been able to ride the Zuma in over a week, so I decided to take a quick ride before the rain comes this afternoon.

Whelp, now I’m stranded 6 miles from home, waiting for am angry wife to come rescue in my truck.


The drive belt blew apart in grand fashion! I found a few pieces on the road.

Illustration for article titled Stranded - UPDATED: made it home before the rain!

I think the rain is still far enough away to get home before it hits ... I hope!


Made it home and got everything put away before the rain came. Mrs. Shop Teacher had calmed down by the time she got to me. She was glad to hear it was the belt and not a blown up engine (I wasn’t sure what happened when I called for help). To make it up to her, we will be ordering tacos for dinner, instead of her making tacos.