Back down to two scooters

I have discovered they key to my wife letting me buy cheap projects, is actually selling them when I say I’m going to sell them. With the purchase of that Hooligan the other day, the little Kymco had to go. I listed it last night, and this evening I swapped $400 cash for it. Between the profit I made on the Kymco, plus the profit I made on that dirt bike a few weeks ago, the Hooligan is basically free.

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In the roughly 24 hours it was listed, I had 19 people message me about it. While I got the inevitable low-ball and crazy trade offers, not a single person asked me, “What’s the lowest you’ll take?”

I think this is the first vehicle I’ve ever sold, that nobody asked me that stupid question.


As for the way it's strapped into that poor Equinox... Not my vehicle, not my problem.