New sidewalks!

The sidewalks along my property line have been atrocious for longer than I have owned the house. See below.

Illustration for article titled New sidewalks!
Photo: Steve the Pirate

This actually was not the worst part. The worst part had already been fixed as part of the street reconstruction project. Yesterday afternoon I got word that the city was going to leave this as-is.

Today I got ahold of public works. I actually went to college with one of the engineers for the village. Apparently the village ran out of money because there were so many even worse places, but they were willing to fix it if I paid half. I then dropped off a $1500 check to cover my half of 387 sq-ft of sidewalk replacement.


I’m tired of looking at this. I’m tired of seeing people trip over it. I’m tired of shoveling snow on this busted ass crap. I just want it fixed!

They’re digging it up now! It’ll get poured on Monday.

Illustration for article titled New sidewalks!
Photo: Steve the Pirate
Illustration for article titled New sidewalks!
Photo: Steve the Pirate