Paid off a thing. Financial museings inside.

Illustration for article titled Paid off a thing. Financial museings inside.
Photo: An idiot

I received the title to Mrs. Shop Teacher’s CX-5 in the mail today. Keen eyes will note the date of purchase, and likely think less of me for financing a new car for six years. Whatever though. We put enough down that we were never upside down on the loan. The interest rate, while not zero, was very low. When you’re raising a family solely on the salary of a middle school shop teacher, sometimes the financial situation is less than ideal.


The car still has under 16k miles on it. We plan to keep it for at least another decade. Longer is definitely not out of the question. Even in a normal year, she drives under 3k miles a year. Since COVID hit, she’s used exactly one tank of gas.

I’m probably going to put tires on it soon, just due to age. The stock Toyos are crap anyways.


My truck is really showing its age these days, between the rust and the quirks it’s developed. Overall it is still a good and reliable machine. I don’t plan to ever sell it, but I’d like to go at least three years before taking on a payment for something else to daily.

My student loan is almost paid off as well. It wasn’t very big, and the interest was very low, so I never bothered to try and pay it off early. It will be nice to be this of that payment too, just this side of being 40 years old.


Now to tackle the credit card debt ... Again (if I’m honest). I’ve made some progress on that. I’ll be able to make some more now that the car payment is off my back. Thankfully my credit is good, so my interest rates are reasonable.

I’ve often said I’ve done plenty of dumb things financially, but I’ve never missed a payment.