Looking for a vintage moped

After 22 years I finally have my own place, which means I can finally buy a moped. Looking for an old one, the new ones just don’t do it for me. Kinda getting this a project, also to get into motorcycles. Not quite ready to take that plunge though.

Here’s what I’ve found so far on Facebook marketplace and some thoughts on them. I’m not crazy about any of them but might be if they’re willing to deal. I might be low balling with these offers, but I know I am. They’re only worth what I’d pay for them, for me at least.


#1: 1985 Yamaha Jog

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Honestly seems pretty reasonable at $300. I got really excited when this one popped up today. However that puddle of something underneath is concerning. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, that the seller would consciously park it right there with fluid under it. Although I like the scooter styling I’m more drawn to mopeds with pedals, kinetic mopeds? Less likely someone would say something if I wheeled something that looks more like a bike into my apartment.

#2: 1974 Vespa Caio

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Missing an engine cover and asking $500. I like the look of this one, seems a little rough for the price though. Would be more comfortable paying $250 to $300, and other listings too far away back me up on that, as well as some forums. Vespa is a good name, although it seems like it’s an example of badge engineering. This listing really got me back into my search.

#3 1980 Garelli Gran Sport

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Seems to be missing a chain/engine cover. At $250 it seems like a fun project. I work in a furniture factory so I could easily redo the seat in the upholstery shop/ get a new engine cover made. Only thing is guy hasn’t responded to my messages yet.

I’m in no rush to get one of these. I think I’m willing to spend up to $500 which I don’t think is too unrealistic. Think it will be a fun little project, although for about the same money I could probably build a pretty good ebike (already have some good batteries lying around).