Oppofession time

Most cars people are all over I really don’t care about. I mean, I’d take one if I was given one, and I’d enjoy a chance to drive them, but at the end of the day I just don’t care. And at the other end of the scale, there’s a bunch of stuff many people would have no interest in that I want very badly to at least experience once.

Supercars and hypercars? For the most part I don’t care.

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

Koeniggsdfeeeegggeegreooeeegggg? Bugatti? Meh, I’d rather drive one of these:

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Honestly there are two supercars that interest me, and Ferrari makes both of them. These two.

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

Not even a Huayra gets me going. I love the crazy, I love the tech (that goes for the Veyron too) but as a package I have no real interest in driving it. So... let’s move down the chain:

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This is kind of a middle ground. It’s cool, I like it, I kinda want to drive one sometime but I don’t really have a serious interest. Maybe the drive would shift me firmly into one camp or the other, who knows. The building blocks are there. In a similar vein:

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

One I want, one I would have only with a specific engine drivetrain combo, the other I don’t want at all. I have no interest in the FoRS. Or the FoST for that matter. And I would take a Golf GTI over a Golf R.

Let’s move on to Mazda’s lineup. I have no interest in this, of any generation.

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The RX-8... Now this I can get on board with.

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This, however is a total different story. I want one. Now.

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***Fun fact—Mazda’s history contains both an E-Series and a Savanna. This is in no way related to the rest of this post***

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

***Coincidentally, this is also what the Ford and GMC namesakes feel like when driven back to back***


Other things I don’t want:

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

Others I do want:

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Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time
Illustration for article titled Oppofession time

(And also a Buick Encore. I know they’re pieces of shit, a dressed up Trax, but SOOOOO CUUUUUUTE.)


Yes I would rather have an LM002 than any other Lambo. I’m weird.

Anyone here with me or am I forever alone? :)