Not So smart Now

Illustration for article titled Not So smart Now
Photo: Mercedes

I listed the 450 cabrio for sale last night. Within a couple hours I had 112 messages. By the time I went to bed, that number jumped to 150. I was getting so many messages that I couldn’t keep up.

Illustration for article titled Not So smart Now
Photo: Mercedes

I woke up to a total of 200 messages. I listed the car as running but not driving and that it was a gray market import. I thought people hated smarts and wouldn’t even give mine the time of day. But nope, the messages just kept coming. I thought I had overpriced the car, but I guess I should have charged more!

Illustration for article titled Not So smart Now
Image: Mercedes

In the end I got more than I wanted to sell it for. Bye bye little car, hope you enjoy your new home.

Illustration for article titled Not So smart Now
Photo: Mercedes