Doggo is having a crummy week (squeamish warning)

Illustration for article titled Doggo is having a crummy week (squeamish warning)
Photo: Shellybean

So. Shelly apparently has another primary tumor. We are 5 weeks shy of the 3 year anniversary of her first diagnosis.


Good news is, it isn’t her initial cancer spreading and her other organs are also unaffected. It hasn’t metastasized, her lungs are fine, and the bone structure by the new tumor isn’t in terrible shape, all things considered.

Bad news, we obviously can’t amputate again, and the other two “curing” treatments are approximately $10k, which I can’t afford (and also, she’s 15, so that’s a rough calculation even if I was loaded). My fingers are crossed that this cancer is as non-aggressive as the first one, and we’re trying some medication and maybe palliative radiation for now.

Illustration for article titled Doggo is having a crummy week (squeamish warning)
Photo: Shellybean

In other short term bad news, I dropped her off on Monday at the kennel with just a tumor. I picked her up today and we went straight to her oncology appointment, only to discover she had a nasty abscess from a possible bite at the kennel. I called them and they said she was alone the whole time, but this implies otherwise.

Illustration for article titled Doggo is having a crummy week (squeamish warning)
Photo: Shellybean

So between the abscess, the tumor, and the IV bandage from her meds, we’re down to 0 weight-bearing legs. Hopefully the kennel comes up with some answers tomorrow because I’m kind of pissed but also too tired to deal with this.