Bought a Snake

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Illustration for article titled Bought a Snake
Illustration for article titled Bought a Snake
Illustration for article titled Bought a Snake

The one I bought is the last two pictures of the tiny snake BUT the first two are what she will look like when she gets older. She is a female blue-eyed Leucistic Texas Rat Snake. I’ve had snakes all my life but foster agencies have a pretty strict rule on animals so I haven’t had them since about 3 years ago. This work from home made it easy to have one screen on YouTube while the other is work related. I fell down a hole, really wanted another boa. Checked the DFPS standards and policy’s and it states no heavy bodies (constrictors) or venomous snakes. Only garden snakes or rat snakes. Now I’m assume if garden meant garter snake but I’ve had those growing up and they have the worst smelling musk out of any snake I’ve owned. So options were rat snake or corn snake (member of the rat snake family) even though they technically eat by constriction. She should arrive tomorrow and I can’t wait because our youngest LOVES the snakes at the zoo/petsmart/aquarium.