Shocking (Repost for a slow morning)

Photo dosent do justice how wide and low it looks, despite 7" of ride height(which should settle closer to 5.5" as it gets finished)
Photo: .
Photo: .

Made the shock mounts with 4.75mm steel plate, then on the chassis a 2.75mm plate was set down to act as a brace and to give the shock mount somthing to weld to.You can imagine the disaster that would be welding it to just the square tube with 1.3mm wall and no support from twist.

This is welded in enough to hold the weight, but not finished.
This is welded in enough to hold the weight, but not finished.
Photo: .

Finally the 3/4 of a car is suspended on its own!

Photo: .

Here is a more traditional setup for reference.

Illustration for article titled Shocking (Repost for a slow morning)
Image: Google images