Who here is attending RADwood LA?

I saw IM’s post and remembered RADwood is this weekend. Are any other Oppos going? I’m honestly on the fence. I am attending a pub crawl the day before so I originally planned to do all my adulting Saturday morning and just being a sad sack-o-crap all day Sunday. My car needs to be washed, at minimum before Sunday and I just don’t know when I’ll have time. Plus there is the whole dealing with all this on Sunday while hungover. The smart thing to do would be skip the Pub Crawl but that isn’t really an option. It is one of the few shreds of tradition my friend group has held onto since getting married / having kids and I very much look forward to having everyone in the same place.

Seen at Saturday Shift in Torrance, CA
Seen at Saturday Shift in Torrance, CA

Should I just suck it up and go, meet afterwards, or just cuddle a breakfast burrito on my couch while watching football?

Sam’s No 3 in Denver. Breakfast Burrito with Tots plus Mac and Cheese inside. Veggie chili on the outside
Sam’s No 3 in Denver. Breakfast Burrito with Tots plus Mac and Cheese inside. Veggie chili on the outside

Additional Radness for your time:

Illustration for article titled Who here is attending RADwood LA?
Illustration for article titled Who here is attending RADwood LA?
I still think my Nokia is pretty rad
I still think my Nokia is pretty rad