Winter mode ENGAGE!

Shit pic, but off with the 18's and on go the 17's
Shit pic, but off with the 18's and on go the 17's
Photo: miPhone

One more day of 70 degree weather here means last chance to swap the tires out without freezing my knuckles off. And on they go!


I always record my milage when I do basic maintenance and stuff like this, and it turns out I’ve driven almost exactly 10,000 miles on this car since this time last year, and only 4k this summer. This is an insanely low milage for me, even with driving the Corvette sometimes in the summer.

Parts cannon was also fired on a full new set of plugs, coils, and air filters. It’s only been about 15k miles since I did new plugs last, so I may just save those for later but my coil packs have been failing one-by-one so I think I’m going to swap all those out before I develop a misfire in mid-february and have to swap one out in polar vortex temps.