Arts & Crafts Oppo

Last night I took the carpet mats out of the 4C for a dusting and found the tub filled with debris.

Nevertheless, I thought it a decent backdrop for my first arts & crafts project in ages: Giving new life to some shoes that haven’t seen any action since Covid. Tall heels like Louboutins really show off a unique sole colour, so that’s where I got the idea—I know, so original of me.


Time spent: 4 evenings past kiddo bedtime.

Illustration for article titled Arts  Crafts Oppo
Photo: Me

I did sand down and fill in the worst wear and tear, but you can still see gouges. The paint is Angelus acrylic for leather, and most will recognise the colour from Tiffany. I’ve applied 3 full coats for an even appearance. Unless you’re less than a foot away, it looks convincingly original!

And here’s the bare 4C tub interior after a quick vacuum. The floor is quite scratched up so the mats are going right back in. Seems unavoidable, unless you want to put protective film over the entire tub interior.

Photo: Me