Lazy evening food and super cheap beer.

We’ve so many beers at work but I thought I’d try one I always ignored, the super cheap shops own cheap beer.

In this case ASDA (Walmart U.K.) Smart Price Bitter.

It’s only 2% but at 90p for a pack of four, just 22.5p for 440ml.

It’s not great or even good for that matter but it’s okay, drinkable. Certainly better than some of the craft stuff that’s been released over the last couple of years or so.


Would I buy it again? Well, it’s cheaper than the majority of bottled water and juices on the market, but probably not.

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Now, lazy food. Donner meat parmo and a small ‘munchie box’ of chips, onions rings, small sausage, chicken nuggets, donner meat, pitta and garlic mayo and chilli sauce.

Illustration for article titled Lazy evening food and super cheap beer.
Illustration for article titled Lazy evening food and super cheap beer.

Pretty good.