Well that was a strange night for me.

I phoned work to say I’ll be back on Saturday if they want to do a ‘return to work’ interview as I’ve been off work for three nights ill.

My manager asked if I was okay. I said I was feeling better and now at least ‘I can fart without worrying’. Lol. Apparently others were concerned as I never take time off sick. In fact in about 19 years I’ve only ever had half a shift off.


After that I put on Netflix and then got side tracked with 70s and 80s music on Youtube, while ready Albert Lord Tennyson’s works and periodically flashing through here and looking at the news in the U.S. and some cars on U.K. Autotrader.

This all started at 10:15GMT/UTC/UK time (whatever you want to call it) and it is now 8:20GMT/blah blah blah. And just put my headphones down.