
I don’t have a garage to work in and it’s awful but I make do.

I keep looking at garages on Youtube for inspiration and to cool my cravings but some are well, erm, shite.


Take this video on ‘4 Of My Dream Garages’.

1, @ 0:44. Looks okay at first, though single garage doors aren’t my thing. It’s a few small one and two car garages connected with nothing about them.

Illustration for article titled Garages

2, @ 5:22. First look, wow. Nice large space with well arranged tool cabinets. Needs more lighting and a scissor lift. Would change the three single doors for two wide doors.

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3, @ 9:52. Nice garage though essentially a warehouse for stuff the guy sells but nice flooring, floor lift, nice cabinets, polishers and detailing stuff on the shelves. His home garage has a nice detailing section but isn’t big enough to put a car in (it’s 40' by 15') and outside covered wash area.

Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages

4, @ 16:42. Very large garage space, two lifts in the corners. Nothing else has been done to it (non evening cleaning) and looks like a warzone.

Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages

My dream garage would have to have a large space with lighting area and a mezzanine to look down from for chilling on down time.

Illustration for article titled Garages
With that right hand door being on the camera positioned wall to drive straight into.
With that right hand door being on the camera positioned wall to drive straight into.
Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages

If the space was very large, maybe a roof suspended office area.

That would be heaven. Looking down on the cars.
That would be heaven. Looking down on the cars.

If something much smaller, maybe a shared use.

Make the car area 1.5 times as big each way.
Make the car area 1.5 times as big each way.

Must have floor recessed lift.

Illustration for article titled Garages
Illustration for article titled Garages

and a roof top terrace.

Illustration for article titled Garages

I can but dream.