How about a nice scenic drive!?

A drive from yesterday on Youtube from Ambleside to Grasmere.

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A video from yesterday, an hour before the Highways Agency closed it due to an increase in water flooding the road. In the video you can see a lot of standing water in places.

A similar video from 2017 with much better weather.

Ambleside can be a bit of a maze of one way systems.

But the roads while often narrow (you also need to keep your wits about you if you don’t know the area as a road can suddenly turn left or right with a bit of a dip) are great to drive on and have amazing views.


Always worth a mention is Hardknott Pass leading onto Wrynose Pass west of Ambleside. Nervous drivers, inexperienced drivers, foreign drivers (especially those from countries with much larger roads, I’m looking at you North America) need not try it, as the road is narrow, winding, steep climbs and descents, some steep drop offs to one side if you misjudge the width of the road and/or the size of your car. Best in a manual and with knowledge of engine braking (yes, some people still don’t know how to do that). 

Oddly, yes, coaches do sometimes do it. 

Illustration for article titled How about a nice scenic drive!?
Illustration for article titled How about a nice scenic drive!?

Drone footage of Hardknott Pass, 4 minutes long.

Driving it, it’s 21 minutes long.