My husband and I saw a bunch of nice cars near the airport in Lincoln, NE, so we followed them around some cones and then they gave us dinner and some boxes.

Illustration for article titled My husband and I saw a bunch of nice cars near the airport in Lincoln, NE, so we followed them around some cones and then they gave us dinner and some boxes.

What a strange place.

Really though, we went in with the goal of not finishing DFL, and somehow managed to land 11th (him) and 12th (me) out of 48 D Street drivers, which was just above the trophy cutoff (of 13). Suffice to say that we’re more than satisfied, and not to mention a little surprised at that result.


I’m too tired to do a full writeup, so here’s a quick run-down and some videos below.

Tuesday on the East Course was a wet mess and I coned away a run that would have earned me a podium spot by the end of the event, but in the end I can’t really complain too much. I forgot to record the run that ultimately counted for my time, so here’s the aforementioned run:

Wednesday on the West Course was a real head-scratcher. We both knew after our first run that there was at least another 0.5-1 second of improvement within reach, but none of our changes ever got us there and we’re still not sure why. Still, those times were just good enough to hold on to a trophy spot, and we’ll figure it out later once we can more easily compare our videos side-by-side.

Now I sleep. Goodnight, Oppo.