Goin' IN on the 301

It rained last night, so after work I sat in the garage and started tearing down the old junk 301. Just... because.

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I guess that’s not ENTIRELY accurate. I might make it into a table. Or some other art project. But in the end if I end up scrapping any or all of it, its easier to transport in small lighter chunks. Like the subframe it came out of.

Plus I’ve always liked taking things apart to see what makes them tick. And so long as nothing requires any special tools or major effort...

Illustration for article titled Goin IN on the 301

So off came the alternator, power steering pump, brackets for both, the carb, the EGR plate, the fuel pump, the cruise control and vacuum mess, the distribu.... SHIT.

Illustration for article titled Goin IN on the 301

Its seized. In my ape-like hammering I broke the case in half, and now the shaft and little nubbin of distributor is stuck in the block. Everything was going so well too. Not wanting to break out the air hammer so late at night after already trying to chisel it off manually, I gave up for the night.

Illustration for article titled Goin IN on the 301

I cleaned off the crud, including the VERY carbon’d up EGR passage, and called it a night.

Illustration for article titled Goin IN on the 301

Tonight I might dig a little deeper. Maybe start by draining the fluids, maybe removing the trans, I dunno. We’ll see if I get that distributor out first.