This week, I have been mostly driving...


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It’s the Korean equivalent of a Kei car. I lack details about the car classification, but I believe they’re called “Light Cars” here. “Here” being Jeju Island, south of South Korea mainland.

Anyway, the Kia Ray is , er, interesting.

You have to put up with a fair bit of engine noise if you drive eagerly. Scared to throw it around too much as it’s a rental and a little on the tall side. As a whole, it’s fine and fills the niche it has been created for, there are small niggles everywhere, but I’d be happy with it as a short journey/city car. (A particular pain is the shoe-ruining super high parking brake pedal.)


Had the opportunity to drive it on the touge-esque “1100m” mountain road - that was fun until my partner got anxious and insisted she took over driving duties.