How to make turkey actually taste like something

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As a Jew married to a Catholic, I don’t exactly have competing demands on my time at Christmas. My mother-in-law hosts Christmas Eve “dinner” of assorted finger foods, plus gets sliced roast beef from the supermarket, and roasts bland-ass turkey, for theoretical sandwiches that nobody* eats.


* My brother-in-law typically has a sandwich because he’s an eating machine. Everyone else is too full of bbq meatballs and cocktail weiners.

But, this past Christmas, my mother-in-law asked told me to make turkey for the sandwiches that nobody eats, so I decided to come up with a recipe that people would actually, you know, eat. Since there’s always way too much turkey, I got only a turkey breast, dry brined it (basically putting a bunch of salt on it overnight) and made a compound butter of garlic, rosemary, sage & thyme which I melted and brushed all over the turkey before roasting it at a high temperature to really crisp the hell out of the skin.


I use my handy dandy meat thermometer where you stick a probe in the meat and monitor the temperature rather than set a timer, to cook it until it reaches precisely 165°F internal temperature then let it rest for a good 15 minutes before carving.

Illustration for article titled How to make turkey actually taste like something

I figured this would taste pretty good but even I was unprepared for just how damn good that turkey was. So on my most recent grocery trip when I strolled through the poultry section and noticed the same fresh turkey breast from a suitably hippie-friendly supplier, I bought one to make the same thing again.

My Sunday dinner was the aforementioned turkey, roasted sweet potato wedges, and some mixed fresh veggies.

Illustration for article titled How to make turkey actually taste like something
Illustration for article titled How to make turkey actually taste like something

Damn son.