Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh that's much better now

Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now

I have a Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 10 Android tablet that I got almost 3 years ago. I’ve always liked the stupid built-in kickstand form factor but have been using it less and less as its software has gotten increasingly janky. I kept meaning to reset it but finally did over the weekend. It’s back to working (mostly) smoothly again!


To a limited extent, I’ve been tempted buy some other tablet, but it hasn’t been a priority. A tablet is a luxury for me, and I don’t need to have the absolute latest greatest gadgets. I’m all good with my mid-2014 Macbook Pro 13 and Galaxy S7 Edge. But it’s nice when sitting around at home to have a tablet to do things I’d use my phone for, but on a bigger screen. I use the doofy kickstand to lie in bed and watch videos. I rest the kickstand on my chest and rest my hands on the kickstand. I also use it to watch videos when I’m cooking, since my kitchen doesn’t face the tv. I mean, I could also use my laptop for this, but the tablet with its kickstand deployed takes up less of my limited counter space.

So I finally did the factory reset and it’s back to being decent enough for its admittedly pointless purpose and all is well in the land of tablets in my household. I even have the bluetooth keyboard that magnetically hooks on to it for using it as a much less powerful laptop if I were inclined, but I use it rarely.


One less thing to have to spend money on. I have other things to worry about anyway.

Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now
Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now
Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now
Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now
Illustration for article titled Finally did a factory reset on my tablet, ahh thats much better now

(This last pic is the Windows version but it shows how the keyboard attaches to the fat part of the tablet.)