Chillin at the electric car chargers at my office

Illustration for article titled Chillin at the electric car chargers at my office

There are electric car charging spots at my office. I don’t usually drive past them because they’re near the main entrance to the garage, and I usually go in and out a side entrance a couple levels down. But today I went out the main entrance on a lunchtime excursion to drop an Amazon return at the UPS store.


I’ve been occasionally tempted to get some kind of plug-in car so I could charge it at work, but I noticed something when pixel-peeping this picture:

Illustration for article titled Chillin at the electric car chargers at my office

So I guess that means that maybe if I had a plug-in car, I’d have to make a daily trip back down to the garage to move my electric car to a regular space. Could be a good excuse to go out to lunch a lot.