This picture *is* me

Illustration for article titled This picture *is* me

I been doing too much eating lately. Didn’t I just post about parking my car at another good restaurant? Yes, I did! This time it’s Loving Hut in Falls Church, VA for veggie pho between my office and picking my wife up at National Airport a.k.a. DCA a.k.a no I’m not going to call it motherfucking Reagan.


(Yes, of course the car next to me is a Subaru.)

Illustration for article titled This picture *is* me

OMG it is so good you guys!

This place has a whole big vegan menu, but there was a table of 6 old Vietnamese ladies having a lively conversation with six identical big soup bowls in front of them. I perused the choices but ultimately decided to have what they were having.


It was the right choice. Don’t make me blaspheme in here. Pho mah gawd.