Tater tot waffle = great success

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This weekend, my brother bought a car. In slightly less momentous news, I followed through on my threat to make tater tot waffles. They were excellent.


For those of you puzzled by the existence of an egg-like substance on my vegan self’s plate, those are JUST “eggs”, which are a surprisingly close facsimile of scrambled eggs, but made from mung beans. They totally nail the texture and feel but on their own the taste is a little off from scrambled eggs. I have my super secret way of doctoring them up that I think is a pretty damn close replica of legit good fluffy soft scrambled eggs.

As for the tater tot waffles, really all you have to do is warm up a waffle iron, hit it with some cooking spray, and shove a bunch of tater tots in it. I tried one with the tots still frozen, which worked out fine, but it took a little while before they softened up so I could fully close the lid of the waffle iron. For the second one I tried defrosting the tots in the microwave and this produced a largely similar end result but took less time.


I recommend letting the tater waffle hang out in the waffle iron for longer than you think is necessary. The outside of the waffle will brown relatively easily but you want to let it keep going to get a nice crunch to the outside. There’s enough thickness to this where the inside will stay soft but you need that good crunch both so the waffle will hold together and also because what is effectively a giant hash brown deserves to be properly crispy on the outside.