If I had kids, I'm not sure I could bring myself to make them wear Miraflex glasses

Illustration for article titled If I had kids, Im not sure I could bring myself to make them wear Miraflex glasses
Photo: Pediatric Eye Associates (Fair Use)

I keep seeing kids in the real world and on my friends’ social media wearing these brightly colored, oddly shaped plastic glasses. I always assumed they served some kind of purpose but never wanted to ask about them for fear of saying the wrong thing and upsetting the parents.


But, I noticed recently one of my best friends posting pics of their kids wearing these glasses, so I texted him asking very nicely if they serve a particular purpose, because I keep seeing them. He explained that they’re called Miraflex, and they’re made of nearly indestructible extra-bendy plastic that in addition to being hard to destroy also stay stuck to kids’ heads better.

But when I see these things, I can’t for the life of me stop thinking about the Rec Specs my mom made me wear to play basketball in middle school in the 90s. Sure, I told myself if they’re good enough for Horace Grant they’re good enough for me, but I only had to wear them for basketball.

Illustration for article titled If I had kids, Im not sure I could bring myself to make them wear Miraflex glasses
Photo: basketballbuzz.ca (Fair Use)

I’d be a little afraid to put my kids in these Miraflex frames as their daily drivers, because they’re funny looking, and other kids can be cruel. Then again, glasses ain’t cheap, and kids break shit, so who knows?