Good day.

I was emailed my grades: I passed! Which is good enough given it’s a course with a 70% fail rate. 

One of my professors forgot to send me my grades and she’s kept enough grades away from me so that I can’t even know if I passed the course, so I remain in a sort of... Schrödinger’s cat situation. Where I’m simultaneously failed and passed when it comes to circuits... Which reminds me of Mexico City’s Metro. What the fuck is it anyway?

Illustration for article titled Good day.

I mean, it has those big ass, pneumatic tires, so it’s a bus, but it’s also got rails so, it’s a train? Whatever it is NEVER NEVER take line two. I mean, pretty much every east-west line is shit except the twelfth.... but still don’t take line two (or any line on a Friday) unless you want to become a meme.

Illustration for article titled Good day.