
I never get bored.

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Today was meant to be “Brexit day” But May’s plan got scrapped by the legislature: Tough luck. When people hate you so much that not even the promise of retiring inmediately is enough to finally pass that stupid law, then I worry nothing will.

Back when I was in Highschool this honestly made me uneasy. I wanted to study journalism, and decided I also wanted to do philosophy. So, the -very- optimistic me of 11th grade applied to none other than Kings College in London. As an EU citizen, the bigger headaches (international tuition and visas) were already taken care of.


All of that would be taken away by the Brexit vote, but alas, what little me didn’t realize is that schools like KCL and UCL required upwards of 35/45 in the IB. And that’s for the shitty programs.

If you ask anyone who went to a barebones and recent IBO member school if getting a 29 was feasable... they’d laugh at you. In the end I didn’t even take the program. But Brexit was my top concern for so much time, it’s hard to even forget.


It’s just funny watching this drag on forever, I’d be two years into college in London had I actually gone, I’d be a bigger pain in the ass than I am now. Because at every family gathering I’d be “the one who actually left.”

Anyways, I ended up taking a regular HS diploma and UNAM certificate home. I could’ve gone to college in America, but both my gut and my parents told me not to. The story behind why I’m not The Aspiring Columnist, is that this guy got murdered the week I had to decide my degree and it was far too much for my weak will to hold.

The UK can still revoke article 50... Just sayin.