How do we feel about ramp meters?

On Friday I’m going to be told if I got the job at the transportation secretary or not, and I want to have at least a new idea to talk about implementing.

Illustration for article titled How do we feel about ramp meters?

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but anyway...

but I think Ramp Meters in some controlled access roads in the city could help reduce congestion and improve safety.


I went scouting today and I realized that there are three roads where ramp meters could be implemented immediately: Periférico, segundo piso, and Viaducto.

All of these roads have controlled access, and they all have ramps long enough for the application of ramp meters without significantly upsetting traffic in the frontage roads.


Ideally, the first implementation would be in Segundo Piso, where the automated tolls in the private section already act as meters, and the ramps into the highway are way longer than normal. The new meters would go in the free section; using the meters to limit the amount of cars entering in bulk.

Some considerations have to be made, like cost; adding ramp meters might not be very expensive relative to how they improve flow, but in order to enforce them, one would require cameras enforcing it, which would have incur a heavy political expense, also one needs to include drivers not understanding how they work... and how that may cause more congestion in the frontage roads