
So, according to an investigation by Animal Politico, Mexico’s Attorney General shares a lawyer with Emilio Lozoya. Who is Emilio Lozoya? A guy that has been under investigation by the AG for pretty much every crime. It would be like Rudy Giuliani being Sessions attorney.

One of the most corrupt members of Peña Nieto’s administration, Lozoya has ties to pretty much every bad thing that happened to Pemex during his tenure. He’s also a guy that spent an average of 8,000 dollars a day on transportation; because he lived 20 miles away from his office and he chose to take a helicopter ride there... everyday. Plus other flights for leisure.

The investigation is under way, but pretty much all of the asset freezes and subopenas the AG throws at Lozoya get rejected by the Judiciary. Odd. He does have an arrest warrant out.

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