Buenos dias.

Today, a grueling day of studying for Circuitry II theory final.

I made my fellow students come to my house because I don’t want to drive to theirs. In a true Mexican fashion, I bribed them.


With free food.

It’s sorta strange that my entire online persona is based on the idea that I want to be an engineer one day.

I’m actually quite a bad engineering student. I do all of the practical stuff rather nicely... but as soon as we go to theory, or through any process that doesn’t involve me using a breadboard, a command line, or a soldering torch I get bored to death and back.


Plus, probably my biggest achievement to day has been to write a novel or my Extended Essay back in high school ...Neither are even remotely related to engineering. My work experience is also completely unrelated. Getting experience in engineering here is kind of strange... I’d either have to settle for a worthless internship at a tech company, or drive more than an hour to a factory that wished to give me a chance to see how out of code all of their facilities are (true of one out of two factories here)

(About the book:

Despite the suits telling me I was gonna get the book out back in December, getting it through the actual process is a lot harder, so we’re still on it. The presentation is on August, and I just got the ISBN last week, even if I had the request sent back in January... Government, man. )