Here we go again...

Because it’s not the first time we took this path.

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Today at Campo Marte military field (next to the national auditorium if you’ve ever been to Mexico City) a brand new Federal security force, the national guard, was formally introduced.

Just like in 2000 when Fox changed the Preventative Federal Police

Just like in 2006 when Calderon introduced the army to policing operations

Just like in 2012 when Peña Nieto introduced the Gendarmeria.

Now we get the National Guard.


Members of the National Guard are meant to overgo a seven month training program, but thus far the 60,000 troops part of the force are simply Federal Police and soldiers from the army and the marines. Actually, the navy had to get creative, and they are sending freshly trained recruits to the national guard, which must be pretty shitty if you wanted to be a Marine, overwent all the training, and actually wound up supposed to solve urban crime somewhere in the Mexican Valley.

Some people are happy to see military weapons and uniformed soldiers on the street, but their impact is questionable at best, if we can learn anything at all from the US is that militarizing police operations has never worked.


But who am I to judge the President and the impossible to forget thirty million votes he got.