Territorio de Baja California

After an almost unanimous vote to extend the term of Governor-elect Jaime Bonilla (of Morena) from two years to five, Baja California’s government might be in dire straits.

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Federal legislators are considering triggering Article 76 of the constitution, the removal of state powers, on the government of Baja California. Proposed by Speaker of the House Profirio Muñoz Ledo (of Morena), it is one of two options he claims are being considred. The other being a supreme court challenge on the decision.

Art. 76 was last used in 1975, it is exceedingly rare that the Senate overrun state processes. But it seemed necessary as the resolution by the Baja California state legislature is in direct violation of a federal electoral tribunal resolution to not extend the term.


It is unusual that Baja California’s governor get two years as opposed to their regular five, but the term was chosen by the state legislature so that the next election overlap with the 2021 midterms rather than the 2024 presidential election.

After allegations of bribery, and collusion, Bonilla might be in hot water... The ones that are certainly fucked are the state legislators, who are accused of taking millions in bribes to let it happen.


This is hugely consequential, and it shows more divisions inside Morena than ever before. If Article 76 is triggered Bonilla might lose the right to be governor of Baja California all together. The new interim governor would be designated by the Senate from a list of people that the president suggests.