Mayor of Ciudad Valles orders fifteen ciber-trocas.

Credit: some newspaper
Credit: some newspaper

The mayor of San Luis Potosi’s second largest city, Adrian Esper, announced that he’d be ordering ten dual motor and five tri-motor Tesla Cybertrucks for police service.

Mayor Esper explained that he reserved those trucks for around 1500 dollars, and that he expects them to arrive in 2021; coinciding with the mid term elections in Mexico.

Illustration for article titled Mayor of Ciudad Valles orders fifteen ciber-trocas.

When asked “Why” the mayor simply answered that it was a matter of common sense.

He explained that despite the cost of the trucks, given their minimal maintenance requirements and great efficiency, they’d basically pay for themselves quickly, arguing that the trucks would save around 1.25 million dollars annually compared to their regular Dodge Rams, or about 23o dollars a day per truck. Gasoline in Mexico costs 3.6 dollars per gallon, and the argument perhaps is that each cyber truck would drive more than 700 miles per day.


It’s not an illogical argument, for instance, if Mexico City changed all of their patrol cars for Tesla Model S’ they’d stand to save more than eight million dollars in fuel costs alone per year. But that’s Mexico City; a sprawling megalopolis and the countries capital. Ciudad Valles on the other hand, is in a state where more than 1500 communities don’t have reliable access to electricity.

Ciudad Valles has a total of one (1) electric car charger, and it’s a level one plug inside a Nissan dealership.

It’s not the first time Mayor Esper made news, Charlie Sheen visited his city and decided to shower him with compliments.