Totally recalled

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Indefinite turns to definite when it ends.

Two weeks ago, things in Spain looked under control, despite the growing number of cases in Castille and Madrid. However, suspension of businesses began nine or so days ago, which coincided with the end of our lease on the apartment.


We couldn’t go back to Galicia, my grandparents are twice over in risk groups, and the parts of my family that live in the country where I am now... again... started getting very nervous about us. So, around seven days ago we came back to Mexico City.

As we boarded the flight, Prime Minister Sanchez announced the temporary suspension of freedom of movement through the authorization granted by the Spanish Congress. Despite the efforts of the Spanish government, today they have the second-highest number of active cases in the world.


We’ve been practicing isolation, save for the exposures in the airports, for around eleven days now. Although none of us have symptoms, we will continue being alone, in our home for at least another seven days. Traveling during a pandemic is regrettably irresponsible but given the circumstances, it was the best thing we could do and we’re extremely conscious of the danger we pose to those unexposed right now.

Causally browsing oppo in the last few days has been heartwrenching. I truly feel for those who have seen their income and job stability challenged, and I hope that your families are safe and that none of you fall seriously ill, or ill at all, to COVID-19.


To many of us, the world might still look normal. But through patience and prevention, we might be able to come out of this pandemic with the fewest personal tragedies and national disgraces possible.