180 hours is enough, now do 360 more.

Now that we’re certain, through a 14 day quarantine, that we didn’t bring any unwarranted Coronaviruses to Mexico City, its time to go take a short walk. This part of the city is properly deserted. Masaryk doesn’t have parking meter spaces but the streets that do are also empty. This picture was taken like an hour ago, I’ve only seen this street this empty before 7AM.

Illustration for article titled 180 hours is enough, now do 360 more.

On yesterday’s press conference on COVID-19, Health subsecretary López-Gatell implored Mexicans to stay home for a month. He said they could force us into home isolation but insisted that they, really, really, really didn’t want to go down that path.

Shamefully, they’re yet to talk about the possibility of shutting down all businesses. If they do, Mexico’s national labor law would force employers into paying their employees up to a month of minimum wage even if they don’t work. Which would be nice for millions of people because we don’t have federally backed unemployment insurance.

Illustration for article titled 180 hours is enough, now do 360 more.

I had a reason to leave; there’s a certain black Kia I had to rescue back from storage. I know, it could’ve stayed there another month, but I was growing wary of the battery’s charge level. Plus, the HOA sprayed some anti-bacterial muck atop all the dust and my car looks wack, yo.