Probably fucked: Air Europa

Today: a bizarre occurance in MAD airport.

Air Europa jets are lining down the jetties usually reserved for competitor and flag carrier Iberia in their ridiculously large terminal building.

Illustration for article titled Probably fucked: Air Europa
Photo: Tae

Air Europa already released a few statements and it seems like a rival airline from somewhere else in europe was already interested in buying it. Meanwhile Iberia must be racking in some cool parking fees as their closest opponent bleeds.


It might have more to do with the airport than Air Europa's financial situation, because I also saw Aeromexico's flight is departing from iberias terminal; also a bizarre thing.

Bizarre as it may be; the amount of Air Europa jets is so significant, my flight from Vigo was not assigned a jetty; the forceful tone of the captain as she announced this mild inconvenience let me know it was an unpleasantry she was becoming more exposed to.

Unusually empty
Photo: Tae

As for unpleasant exposures... Madrid airport is very different to how it was three weeks ago. Everything is closed, except one restaurant which i packed...and my seven hour layover is looking more and more annoying as more time passes. It still feels like the decisions taken around covid are more linked to security theatre than anything else. It relies on the passengers good-will, and I leave somewhat convinced that Mexico is taking better steps than Spain is.

Another fucked airline
Photo: Tae