
My thoughts on Biden.

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Image: Tae

I think he’s gonna be this century’s Carter... And that’s kinda fine. My biggest takeaway from the Trump presidency (whether it be extended or not) is that ultimately the leader of a nation doesn’t have to be a technocrat. As much as I despise many of the things he did; the US government didn’t collapse, and his advisors (even with the very high profile screw ups) maybe didn’t do permanent damage to the american bureaucracy.

Which should be a demonstration that young, perhaps not experienced politicans, shouldn’t be scared to reach for the presidency. Within or outside the party system. In American governance there exists a multitude of experts that can adequately help a leader (who must govern as a representative, direct or indirect, for the country) implement policy and “rule” over the third most populated country on earth.


The wishes of Americans are human wishes, and anyone can capture them, no matter their background.

In the end. Americans need to choose what they want their representatives to be. For me, Trump is not a good leader. As much as his brash strategies might seem compelling, I don’t think one can celebrate him as an effective leader. Biden might seem like a timid, more mature leader willing to look right past both parties’ wishes for polarization. But I think that ultimately the value of Biden is that maybe he’ll make everyone moderately angry at government. As opposed to making more than half of the country piffing mad and the other side smugly prideful.


Also, this is fucking unfair. If any other country had such a stupid political problem, and the potential for a contested election, their currency would depreciate significantly.

But the dollar is the dollar.