
Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik

My best friend and I have gotten into something of a watch-buying arms race; but while he goes for ridiculously expensive Omegas, I’m more into old Seikos. This is my newest one that I got today, it’s a Seiko 6106-8599. It doesn’t have a catchy nickname or a great backstory like my Pogue, and it’s seen some wear, but I think it’s absolutely gorgeous. These watches are still very affordable as well; mine was around $160 and I’ve seen them go cheaper than that.


I now have the trifecta of sunburst-dial, barrel-cased Automatic Seikos... (The far one is dark green) Now I just need a red one to complete the set-

Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik
Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik

Nothing particularly valuable save for maybe the Yacht Timer, but I’m very proud of my collection!