Made a friend today. And a reminder to live a good life...

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Was out for a ride and I see this beauty out front for sale. I swing by to take a look and the owner was outside so we spent a half hour talking bikes.


Felt a bit sad since he was selling his wife’s bike after she passed. It’s in great shape with just 120 miles on it. He said they ride bigger bikes when they were younger but when they retired they just rode some vintage Yamaha and Honda scooters for fun. Apparently they wanted to cruise the Lakeshore of Michigan on matching enfields but she passed away a few years ago.

...was a bit somber but a reminder to do what you love while you can. He didn’t have any regrets and he inspired keep on with my goals. He enjoyed road stories and I loved his tales of Midwest road trips on their old bikes.


Take care out there, Oppo. Live the best life you can while you’re here.