Today I learned....

That Depositions aren’t much like Inquisitions and lawyers love to say, “I object to form.” This usually happens when the plaintiff’s lawyer asks a multi-part question or a question that calls for speculation.

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That Manhattan has more than its fair share of black SUVs and that some cyclists actually stop for traffic (at least when they are pulling a trailer).

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That Bus Lanes don’t mean jack squat until one of these guys shows up.

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That even when those guys show up, the rules don’t apply to some cars AND more cars in NYC deserve fancy bumper guards.

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That people who double park, even if they are just “standing,” are of the devil and deserve a special punishment for screwing up traffic. (Yeah, I’m looking at you, Camry driver.)

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And finally, Korean BBQ doesn’t taste as good as it looks and is a taste that I will never acquire.

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Despite all of your excellent suggestions, I decided to try something new and instantly regretted it.

I head back home tomorrow. Thanks for tagging along, Oppo!