A mighty fine yard tug

I bought a hitch ball for the lawn tractor so I could use it to move our small trailer into places the Outback couldn’t go. Before this weekend, I only used it to move the trailer from the street to the side yard where it is stored. I really put it to the test yesterday. I used the trailer to pick up some blocks and gravel to set the foundation for the storage building I’m building. I was a little concerned about pulling it up the driveway with the tractor, but even with a 1,000 lbs load, the tractor pulled it with ease.

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Hands up! I’ve never had much use for the arm rests. I should just take them off since I never use them.

Illustration for article titled A mighty fine yard tug

That’s my neighbor’s shed sitting over the drainage swale. When he started building it, I made sure he had a permit to build it over the easement. Turns out he didn’t. When the drainage guy showed up, he made the neighbor put in a culvert to ensure there would be no restrictions to the flow of water. That fence panel comes off with six screws if the parish ever needs access. Moving his building will be a little more complicated. To avoid those issues, I’m putting my building outside the easement.

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This afternoon my son and I installed the foundation blocks. We dug each hole and put a little gravel in the bottom to level the block and provide some support. The soil is about six inches deep, then it’s just solid clay.

Illustration for article titled A mighty fine yard tug

The lumber should be delivered tomorrow, so the first order of business will be setting and leveling the posts, then back filling the holes so the blocks can’t move. If the delivery is before noon and the weather holds, I should be able to finish the foundation and floor tomorrow!