Pass Incomplete

While I did make some progress this weekend, I was stymied by a lack of materials. My first task of the weekend was a run to the store for materials.

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The kit had enough OSB and siding for the original design, but my wife asked for a couple of modifications which threw off the count. I thought I needed two sheets of OSB and a couple of sheets of siding, but I was wrong. I needed three sheets of OSB to finish off the roof. We’ll see if I made the right count for the siding. I ended up making a second run later in the day for another sheet of OSB.

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The trailer has been really handy for moving materials to the back yard, especially since the forklift screwed up the drainage and all of the recent rain turned the side yard into my own personal swamp. This setup is light enough to keep from creating more ruts and it keeps me from having to haul lumber by hand.

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This is where I had to stop Saturday. This being my first roofing job, I wasn’t sure of how to much material I would really need. If I had known better, I would have realized the two bundles of shingles they delivered should have been two squares (six bundles). It was a simple mistake by the guy who loaded the truck, but now I have to talk to them tomorrow and explain the situation. Not fun.

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Before I left for Houston this afternoon, I managed to get the roof covered in anticipation of the rain coming mid-week. I also put siding up on the back wall and moved all of the materials “inside” the building. It’s not dried-in, but unless it’s raining sideways, everything should stay fairly dry.

Next weekend should see the completion of the roof and hopefully the rest of the siding. Those extra pieces I picked up on Saturday are to fill in the gap between the top of the siding and the eave. My wife volunteered to put some sealer on the corner studs and sill plate before I cover the rest of them up. I’m thinking about either painting or epoxying the floor. Suggestions are welcome!