Vicious Beast, Left Unsupervised, Goes on Killing Spree

My wife is in the process of purging old stuff, so many boxes have been placed in the living room to be filled with either garbage or donation items. Rocky discovered a cache of toys held in reserve and decided to put them to good use.

Illustration for article titled Vicious Beast, Left Unsupervised, Goes on Killing Spree

He also found the box with the doggy Halloween costumes. He destroyed those too. The blanket in the background, a gift to him from my daughter, is his favorite. He tries his best to tear it open, but there’s nothing inside.

Illustration for article titled Vicious Beast, Left Unsupervised, Goes on Killing Spree

He was so happy that his tail was just a blur. I had already cleaned up most of the stuffing at this point, so I spared you all the true gore.

Be warned, good citizens of Oppo. The beast awaits.