[Updated][Again] Delivered! Wait a second...

[Update 2]

I received a surprise package from USPS. It was a battery! This is strange in several ways.

  • I cancelled the order after the package was sent to Massachusetts

  • I already received a refund for the order which was cancelled
  • I ordered a battery from a different vendor which was received in two days and is already installed in the computer
  • The package was sent from New York by some guy from an address that looks like an office building (which it could be), but it begs the question, how did the battery get from Massachusetts to New York?
  • If this is being forwarded by the individual who received my battery, how the hell did he get my name and address? Surely the vendor wouldn’t be stupid enough to breach privacy and give him that information.
  • If this was the company sending the battery from another location, why would they refund my money and then send a battery anyway? The post date was five days after they already gave me a refund.

I don’t know the answer to any of these questions. The right thing to do is send the battery back to somebody, but I don’t know who. The name on the package is an individual, not the company I made the purchase from. This individual doesn’t have contact information and the address it came from doesn’t tie back to any company that I can find. This lonely door is the only clue:

Illustration for article titled [Updated][Again] Delivered! Wait a second...

The address on the left is numbered higher, the address on the right is for the next cross street.

We live in strange times...


I just received the following from customer service.

Illustration for article titled [Updated][Again] Delivered! Wait a second...

“... due to some technical fault from their side...”

Illustration for article titled [Updated][Again] Delivered! Wait a second...

I’m just guessing that this is what their warehouse looks like.

I’ll be cancelling the order and making a new one from someone who has it in stock.



I ordered a new battery for my personal tablet last week and it should have arrived today. Imagine my surprise when I checked the USPS tracking site and discovered it was delivered yesterday. To a locker. In Massachusetts. I live in Louisiana.

Illustration for article titled [Updated][Again] Delivered! Wait a second...

I don’t blame USPS. Clearly someone at the battery company screwed up the shipping labels. I’ve already been in touch with Neo (!) at NewEgg. Unfortunately, the battery came from a third-party seller. NewEgg informed them that they screwed up, but they have two business days to respond. I checked their inventory and they don’t have any more of this model. So, now what? Perhaps the person who also got screwed by receiving my battery will send it back. That’s assuming they got the notice from USPS that the battery is in the locker. They certainly didn’t get the tracking information.


I should have paid more attention when I noticed that some of the reviews indicated there have been shipping problems.